Đề thi IELTS 2018 Speaking đầy đủ nhất – Cập nhật liên tục

– Why are social networking sites are becoming more and more popular?
– Are the any disadvantages of people communicating globally?

– Do you think that in the future mobile phone can directly be controled by human mind?.

– work hay study , wild animal, physical excercise,…
– Television program that you like

Đề IELTS Speaking 26/03 BC

  • Talk about yourself
  • Describle a city or country you want to live
  • Job

Đề Speaking ngày 28/03/2018

Talk about yourself

Talk about a piece of technology


Đề Speaking 13/4

Talk about yourself

Describe a rule that you agree or disagree


Đề IELTS Speaking 16/4

Talk about yourself

A city or country you want to live and work in the future

Job Satisfaction: high salary but no satisfaction, high level of satisfaction but low salary.

IDP Speaking 22/4

Part 1:

– Work or student? If you work, do you need to pass any training?

– Do you read news online or by newspaper? Why? Like local news or intel news? Why?

– Do you discuss the news with any one at work? Do you have any friends outside work? Why? Do you keep contact with friends from primary school?

– What do you usually do with your friends? 

Part 2: Describe a park or garden you used to visit when u are younger

Part3: Impact of toursim on local environment and people. Do you think people are protecting or destroying the environment.

– Do u like seeing photos of yourself?
– Do u like seeing photos on screens or printed ones?
– Due to technology advance, do people change their attitudes to printed photos?
– Do u think people will keep the digital versions of their photos instead of printed one in the future?
– Disadvan. and Advan. of posting photos online?

Đề thi Speaking 7/7 tại Huế

  • Study, university, first day at univiversity
  • Trip using public transport
  • Public transport

Đề thi tại IDP Cần Thơ 7/7

–  Where do you live right now? How far from here to the place you live? Is it an interesting place? Physical education: Do you play any sports? Will you decide to play sport in the future? . Animals: What is your favorite wild animal? Have you ever had pets?
–  Describe a successful sports person that you admire.
– What types of sports are popular in your country?
Do you think physical education is necessary? Why?
Do you think the children in your country get enough physical education?
Difference between winners of individual and team championships, talent

Đề thi Speaking BC HCM 7/7

Part 1:

– Are you a student or do you work? Do you make friends with colleagues?

– Sleeping: How many hours do you sleep? How many hours are enough for you? Is it good to sleep in a short period of time? Does old people need to sleep less than young? What do you do to have a good sleep?

– Newspapers: Do you read newspaper? Who in your family read newspaper when you were a child? Do you read online news? Which part in the newspaper to you like most?

Part2: TV program

– Have you told anyone about this?

– Do you mind watching it the second time?

Part 3:

– Roles of TV at school?

Report đề thi 7/7

  • House, teacher, feeling bored
  • Describe a building you like
  • Building function and design, the construction of high-rise building in the urban area

Đề Speaking 8/7

Part 1:

– Where do you live?

– What is you favourite room in your house?

– Do you like cities?

– Describe the last time you visited a city.

Part 2:

– Describe a thing in your home that you want to replace. What is it?

–  How long have you got it?

– Why do want to replace it?

– And tell about how easy or difficult to replace that thing

Part 3:

– Which things should replace more often?

– Why some people prefer replacing things sooner than other people?

– Young or older people like replacing things? What thing is replaced often by teenagers?

Đề speaking 9.7 BC


–  Accomodation( Bạn đang sống ở đâu, Sống ở đó bao lâu rồi)

– Work( Bạn đang có công việc fulltime hay parttime, Bạn muốn làm gì trong tương lai, Bạn có nghĩ rằng bạn sẽ muốn thay đổi công việc mình làm không)

–  Sleep( Bạn dành bao nhiêu thời gian để ngủ, có cần thiết để ngủ trưa, người già ngủ ít hơn hay không)

Part2: Historical period

Part3: Nói về các nơi lịch sử ở nơi bạn để giới thiệu cho khách du lịch, Người già thích lịch sử hơn người trẻ không, Phim có tài liệu liên quan đến lịch sử, Giáo viên lịch sử nên làm gì để khiến môn học hấp dẫn hơn, Trẻ con ở trường có nhất thiết phải học lịch sử nhiều.

Đề Speaking BC 9/7

  • Music, Study, Hometown
  • Describe a piece of technology you like using except a Computer
  • Technology, Machine

Đề Speaking BC 19/7

-Study or work Save money
-A quite place
-Tại sao thành phố thường nhiều tiếng ồn hơn nông thôn. Cách để giảm tiếng ồn

Đề speaking 19/7 BC Hà Nội

-Work or study Day out Being bored
-A sport you watched and want to try
– Môn thể thao nào nào phổ biến nhất? Tại sao? Sao mọi người thích xem thể thao thế? TV có chiếu nhiều về thể thao không? Mọi người có hay xem World cup không?

Đề Speaking IDP 20/7

– Work or study, holidays, punctuality, plans
– Describe a time that you had to change your plan
–  Liên quan tới P2, ví dụ như lí do tại sao mà mình phải thay đổi kế hoạch, điện thoại giúp mình đổi kế hoạch như thế nào.

Report đề Speaking IDP HCM sáng 20/7

Part 1:
– Work or study?
– Do you often feel bored? Why?
– What do you often do when you feel bored? – As you grow older, do you often feel more bored than the younger day?
– Do you have plants in your house?
– What do you think when you receive a plant as a gift?

Part 2: Describe a song that has a special meaning to you. You should say:
– What is the name’s song? What is it about?
– Why does it have special meaning to you?
– When and where is the first time you listen to the song?

Part 3: Study and music
– The most popular kind of music people listen to in your country?
– Do young people and old people listen to different kinds of music?
– Do schools in your country teach children to learn music?
– What do they teach in music subject?
– Do they teach children to play instruments? What kind of instruments?

Đề Speaking Đà Nẵng 20/7

– accommodation, advertising với application
– special day out which doesnt cost much
– hỏi xoay quoanh về outdoor activities

Đề 20/7 Speaking

– work or study? Your major? Why u choosed this major? How is your first day in university? Plan on weekend? Why people tend to go away from home when growing up?

– Tell about an occation when u helped others in work or study

– Should children be taught to do housework? What work have to do when you work in team?

Report speaking IDP HCM 21/7

– study, dictionary, animal

– Describe an important lake in your country

  • job related to river – ra biển thường làm gì
  • trẻ em có nên học bơi ko?
  • activities on water

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